Sunday, November 8, 2009

November already??

Gosh, time is moving way to fast!! I have been really bad about keeping up with this blog.

Some updates...

*Meghan is doing great...she turned 6 in September and is doing very well in first grade. She loves her teacher:) She is still taking ballet and tap classes and she is a Daisy scout:) She is loving Sunday school as well.

*Tyler is 2 1/2. He is finally starting to talk more and he is quite a character:) He still goes to Gymboree for play and music classes and has alot of fun there. His hair is starting to really grow as well...he is getting super curly hair (finally a gene/trait from mommy!)

*Mark is doing well. He has been busy with inspections on the ship. Keeping busy and loving the job. Still on track to deploy early spring of next year.

* I am doing well too. Keeping super busy with the kids getting them here and there. I recently went to a scrapbook retreat and it was great. I got so many pages completed. I won a great raffle prize too:) Looking forward to another retreat in February!

*Bailey & Brandy (doggies) are doing well. They just turned 1 just before Halloween. We got them some dog cupcakes at the local dog bakery to celebrate their Birthday:)

That is about all for now...

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

I'm Back....been a busy summer

Its been a busy summer so far.

Just after school got out in June, me and the kids went up for a visit to Massachusetts to to visit family and friends. We were there about 2 weeks. Unfortunately, the weather was terrible. From what I have heard, the whole summer has been pretty much a washout. Mark was out to sea during that time so it was me, the kids and 2 puppies on the road trip:) While up in MA we went to Storyland in Glen, NH. We all had a great time up in the White Mountains area of NH. We spent a day in Storyland and the next day we took a train ride in North Conway.

Mark got home in time for the 4th of July. At the last minute, we decided to drive to Virginia Beach and see the fireworks. Well, it was a good thought, but not on parking spot to be found! So we moved on to the Dam Neck base, just south of VA Beach and got some Dairy Queen Blizzards and sat on the beach at the base. There were alot of other folks there too. The kids had fun sitting on the beach at night, having ice cream and seeing fireworks.

The next weekend we rented a cottage at Cape Henry over on the Ft. Story base. We got a really nice cottage with a beautiful view of the Chesapeake Bay. Although Cape Henry is only 45 minutes away, it was a great mini-vacation:)

Mark's parents came to visit third week in July. The weather was very pleasant and we had a great visit. They helped me with some projects around the house and had fun with the kids. Of course we went to Chuck E. Cheese one day for games and pizza too.

Now we are in the beginning of August...starting to do some school shopping and working on some of the schoolwork that Meghan's teacher sent home to practice with. Its good to keep things fresh in their minds. I signed Meghan up for Day Camp over at My Gym in Chesapeake. Its only 3 mornings a week from 9-12 but so far she really likes it.

This weekend we are heading up to Williamsburg to get some school shopping done at the Virginia's tax free holiday this weekend so we are taking advantage of the sales.

That is about all I can think are some pics from the summer so far.

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Busy weekend here

We had nothing planned this weekend, but there were lots of little projects around the house that finally got finished.

Yesterday we ran to Lowe's for a few things. My towel rack completely fell apart into pieces the other day so we picked up some new towel racks for the master bathroom. We got some a/c filters since its been about 3 months since the last change out. I was pleased at the check out that Lowe's offeres a 10% military discount:) On the way home, we got some chinese food.

Today was busy. I got the towel racks installed and I ran to Walmart just up the road to get the much needed mulch for the front yard. 10 bags later, the garden beds look awesome. I have been putting off this task for a while but I am thrilled its done.

Mark kept busy, washing the cars, keeping the kids busy. When Tyler was napping he took Meghan for a bike ride.

The kids were really clingy always happens just before Mark leaves to go to sea. This time its just a few weeks so it won't be too bad.

This week is the last week of school....all kinds of activities this week for the kids.


Geez, its been almost 6 months since my last post!

Yikes, I need to get cracking on this again.;)

Monday, January 19, 2009

Looks like we are getting some snow!!

Some of you know that I grew up in New England. Lots of snow in the winter...but you always got used to it. After I married Mark we moved alot. We started off in Newport, RI. We did get quite a bit of snow there. Then when we moved to Virginia we got snow maybe two times in the 2 1/2 years we lived there. When we were in Japan, we got dustings. FINALLY when we moved to Woodbridge, VA (Northern VA) when Mark was stationed in Quantico VA we got TONS of snow and Meghan absolutely loved it. We are back in the Hampton Roads area of VA (aka Southern VA) and well, we have seen a few flurries...that is it.

Well, it looks like we are going to get some snow tomorrow. Somewhere between 2-6 inches...perfect play snow! Tyler has only seen light snowflakes and Meghan is very excited to finally play in the snow again. I am going to have to bundle the kids up...I never bothered getting them boots or snowpants since we never get snow;) Oh well, I honestly don't think it will bother them at all!

We'll see what tomorrow will bring!!

A new look!

I was reading another blog today (Becki's :)) and I saw a little advertisement for free backgrounds. After looking at a good amount of them, I settled on this one.


Saturday, January 10, 2009

Back to school, back to work...

This week Meghan went back to school and Mark had to go to a school for a week in Virginia Beach. So it was me, Tyler and the puppies during the day.

Meghan was SO excited to go back to school and see her teacher and friends. 2 weeks off from school is a long time even though we had family in a good part of that time. Meghan is a routine kid...and she was so excited to get back to her classroom!

She had a really good week...and she was happy to get a prize out of the "treasure chest" on Friday. Her teacher has a behavior reward system using the "treasure chest". If you get all "green" days (instead of yellow or red...apparentlly yellow and red is for bad behavior) you get a prize. She got a set of colored pencils this week. Honestly I only expect green days from Meg, and I think she has had all green days since she started school...yeah! She also has perfect attendance too!

Mark had to go to a school at the Dam Neck base in Virgina Beach. The base is nice...we usually go to the beach there in the summer. The only downer was that every night there was some traffic issue that it was taking him 90+ minutes to get home. I think it was 38 miles each way. That class is now week he has some conferences to attend and February 1st he reports to his new ship.

Tyler started up with his Gymboree play class this week. He loves it there. Meghan went from 18months to 4 years old. Tyler loves the kids and loves to run and climb and play under the parachute:)

The puppies are doing well. We are still working on the housebreaking...but we only get 1 accident or so every few days so I think they are doing really well. They are starting to get big! I will snap some pics this weekend and post. They are both very lovable little girls that do very well with the kids. The pups go for a check up on Monday.

Thats about all from here...dancing school this morning and a trip to Home Depot, exciting!